It was a joy to have Pastor Martin Manten, and his family, with us this past Lord’s Day. Martin is the Director of the European Bible Training Center (EBTC) in Zurich, and he’s also planting a church there.
Martin’s sermon from Mt. 5:1-4 on “The Foundation of Happiness” was personally convicting and refreshing. I was particularly helped by the reminder that acknowledging my spiritual bankruptcy before God and genuinely mourning over my sin is the pathway to knowing the true joy of His mercy, cleansing, and grace. On a daily basis, every believer should be sobered by, and deeply rejoice in, the truth that God’s grace shines the brightest when we see the darkness of our sin against the backdrop of His holiness. What powerful, blessed, life-giving HOPE we’ve been called to, through all that God has given us in Jesus Christ!
If these truths resonate with you (and I hope they do!), you may likewise be encouraged by this song: To the Cross I Cling. (The song is based on a prayer entitled The Broken Heart, from the book The Valley of Vision.) The rich and beautiful truth that “All things in me call for my rejection; all things in You plead my acceptance” captures the heart of the song…and the heart of the Gospel!
Beloved, do you acknowledge your spiritual bankruptcy before God, mourn over your sin, and taste by faith the rich sweetness of His abundant grace in Jesus Christ? May God help us to live more fully in this sober joy, and proclaim more passionately the hope of the Gospel to those who are yet in their sins.
Because He lives, and is returning,