The Good Works of God’s Grace

One of the most central truths in the Christian life, and likewise one of the most frequently misunderstood, is the truth of God’s grace.  Many misconceptions of grace have been proffered throughout church history, ranging from the weak and incomplete (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense), to the downright false and heretical (“Hey, let’s keep sinning so that grace may abound!” – see Rom. 5:18-6:14).


Confusion about God’s grace inevitably leads to confusion about the place of obedience and good works in the lives of believers.  Countless individuals, families, and whole churches, have been deeply troubled and turned upside-down in spiritual fruitfulness and witness, all because of errors regarding the nature of God’s grace in Jesus Christ (Titus 1:10-11).  This is the very context in which Paul is writing Titus, that he might promote spiritual health and stability among churches on the island of Crete (Titus 1:5).  And Paul makes clear that the needed godly leadership in churches, and godly lifestyles among the saints, flows from a clear, robust understanding and application of God’s grace in Jesus Christ.


It is the fullness and richness of this grace that we considered together this past Lord’s Day, from Titus 2:11-14.  In these four short verses, Paul vividly describes the presence, power, and purpose of God’s grace.  He makes abundantly clear that God’s grace is centered in the person and work of Jesus Christ.  He likewise makes clear that the good work of God’s grace in His people produces the good works of God’s grace through His people.  Specific, practical, daily godliness!


Beloved, these truths are so essential and foundational to growth in godliness, I would encourage you to memorize Titus 2:11-14 – perhaps with a friend and/or family member.  And pray that God would give you grace to understand and live in light of the riches of His grace!  As you do, keep singing, to yourself and others, about God’s rich and free Grace Unmeasured.


Grace upon grace!
