Greetings from Haiti!

Greetings to all of you from Haiti!  Thank you so much for your prayers – God is indeed blessing and sustaining the preaching/teaching of His powerful word.  Myself, Pastor Lance Gentry, and Mr. Thomas Herrera are in “Part 2” of our mission, in the midst of 4 days of teaching at The Faculty of Theology (FATHEMIE).  We’re each at a different campus (I’m in Port-au-Prince), with a total of about 60 students.  We’re teaching about Biblical/Conservative Theology, in contrast to Catholic and Liberal Theology (which is very prevalent here).


One of the highlights of the trip so far has been getting to know Willio and Neecole Destin, and their 2 young daughters Abigail and Gabrielle (pictured).


The Destins were our hosts for the “Part 1” of our mission (4/23-4/26), a 2-day pastors conference in Grand Goave.  Willio is a native Haitian, and a graduate from The Master’s Seminary.  Neecole is from Los Angeles.  Willio now pastors a church in Grand Goave, and is the Founder/Director of The Bible Institute of Grand Goave.  They are very focused on church-planting/strengthening and leadership training. Though the Destins have only been “on the ground” here since Jan. 2014, they have been laying groundwork for many years with the other men on the board of More Than Bread (MTB).


The fruit is evident,  as the training center is up and running, with 14 students this first year.  (Following our pastors conference, 25 of the 65 men in attendance applied to the institute – what a great praise!)  There are also two key Haitian men helping Willio with the leadership of the institute.  MTB helped train these men for 3-4 years.  As a local church pastor, Willio is faithfully modeling what he’s teaching.   The Destins also seem to be joyfully embracing the many significant sacrifices necessary to minister in this very hard, spiritually dark, deeply impoverished place.  (I’ll tell you more about their situation and sacrifices when I return home).  3 John 5-8 comes to mind, as this family has definitely “…gone out for the sake of the name…”.  Please pray for the Lord’s sustaining, enabling grace for them.


All of you remain regularly in my prayers, with much thanksgiving and affection!



