As we learned from 1 Pet. 1:1,2 this past Lord’s Day, there is great significance in Peter identifying his readers as “elect exiles.” Peter is declaring that those who have been born again through faith in Jesus Christ belong uniquely to God (“elect”). As a result, such believers no longer belong to the world (“exiles”, or “strangers”). This powerful, and precious truth – of every believers’ identity in relation to God the world – sets the focus for Peter’s entire letter. And all that God reveals through Peter is intended to help believers know how to live and persevere in the midst of a God-hating world.
One Puritan writer has summarized Peter’s letter this way:
“The heads of doctrine contained in it are many, but the main that are most insisted on, are these three, faith, obedience, and patience; to establish them (the “elect exiles”) in believing, to direct them in doing, and to comfort them in suffering.” (Robert Leighton (1611-1684), A Practical Commentary Upon the First Epistle General of 1 Peter, 1799, pg. 16).
Yes…powerful and precious truth! I’m looking forward to walking and growing in Christ with you through our time in 1 Peter!
Grace upon grace,