To see God exalted as His grace and truth in Jesus Christ abound in and overflow to more and more people
Confidence in Spite of Confusion
From a human perspective, these are times that are marked by great and intensifying confusion. Whether it is the economy, politics, terrorism, the swine flu, persecution and ridicule, or the challenging adventures of interpersonal relationships, all of us are bombarded with various uncertainties that can easily consume our daily existence.
Believers are in no way immune from being impacted by these things, but how critical it is for us grow strong in faith in the midst of such trials! We ought not to be surprised at the myriad of difficulties we face in this fallen world. Jesus couldn’t have been any plainer when He told His disciples in Jn. 16:33 – “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”
The only means by which the faith of believers can grow strong in the midst of trials is to hold firm to the promises of God in His Word! All of His promises – which flow from and revolve around the redemptive work of Christ on the cross – serve to focus our eternal hope, which is as an anchor for our storm-battered souls (Heb. 6:19).
So let me simply encourage you to feast on, ravish over, embrace, memorize, trust in, meditate upon, pray through, submit to, sing about, declare, and cling to the mighty promises of God revealed in His word! Let us not abandon our hope, but let us be like Abraham of old who, “…did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform.” (Rom. 4:20,21)
And let us live our hope well before a lost and saddened world, that many more might come to saving faith in Jesus Christ!
Thanks for this concise encouragement in the Word!