As we prepare to gather again this coming Lord’s Day, let me encourage you in a few specific ways.
First, take advantage of the “order of service” information we include in this newsletter. Individually, or with family/friends, take some time in the days prior to our Sunday gathering to read through the various Scripture passages we’ll be using. Also take time to read or sing through the songs we’ll be singing (you can easily find the lyrics on the internet). This will help your own heart and mind be that much more prepared, and also help you serve and encourage others as we meet.
Second, as we’ll be diving back into the book of Ephesians this Sunday, I encourage you to read the whole book before we meet. It’s a relatively short 6 chapters, and only takes 20-30 minutes to read. Again, this will be helpful in the preparation of your heart and mind.
Third, let Paul’s prayers in Eph. 1:15-19 and 3:14-19 be a guide for how you pray for our brothers and sisters at RCG. And together, let’s confidently expect God to do as He’s promised in Eph. 3:20-21!
Finally, if you’re not already in the habit of joining us for our “Sack Lunch Sunday” following the worship service, why not begin this Sunday? We enjoy an informal lunch from around 12:30pm to 1:15pm. You can either bring a “sack lunch”, or grab something from a nearby restaurant. Following lunch, we have a time of sharing and prayer from about 1:15pm – 2:00pm. There’s always a range of folks who attend: singles, couples, and families with kids (young and old). Of course it makes for a bit of a long morning and afternoon, but the sweetness of encouraging fellowship is well worth it, and brings glory to God.
Beloved, what a privilege and blessing we have to share life in Christ together at RCG. Participating in what He wills for us each Lord’s Day is a huge part of that privilege and blessing. I look forward to being with you again, as we eagerly await gathering with all the redeemed before God’s throne in heaven!
Because Christ lives, and is returning,