
Overwhelmed. That’s how I’ve felt these last couple of months as we’ve been surveying the wondrous cross in John 19:16-30 on Sunday mornings. the display of God’s glory in the sufferings of Christ, the wonder of His transcendent love manifest at the cross, all He calls His sheep to through the cross, has simply been overwhelming. What a holy, sovereign, merciful Savior we have – the Good Shepherd who has laid donw His life for all who believe. And what life, joy, peace, security, hope and a million other blessings His sheep have in Him!

In weeks to come, we’ll be moving into a deeper understanding and appreciation of God and His glory manifest at the cross. May we have Paul’s attitude in confessing: “…may it never be that I would boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ…” (Galations 6:14). And may these words from the hymn “Near the Cross” ever be our prayer:

Near the cross! O Lamb of God, 

Bring its scenes before me;

Help me walk from day to day,

With its shadows o’er me.

Learning to walk in the shadow of the cross with you!