Ever feel poor, needy, guilty, weak, attacked, helpless, sad, and discouraged?
Take heart, my friend, you’re in good company! King David – a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam. 13:14) – often felt this way. Listen to how he begins his earnest pleading to Yahweh in Ps. 86:1 –
“Incline your ear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy.”
Such is the cry of a desperate soul! As David pours out his longings through this Psalm, he exemplifies the very disposition Peter exhorts in 1 Pet. 5:6-7 –
“Humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of God…casting all your anxieties on him, because He cares for you.”
When in desperate and difficult situations, Peter knew, as David knew, that help comes only from the God who cares! Thus we’re called to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God’s care. And such humility is expressed through honest, dependent, expectant prayer.
Beloved, when you feel desperate and alone, where do you go for help?? Help comes only from the God who cares for you through Jesus Christ, the God whose steadfast love and faithfulness is great toward you. He is good, forgiving, merciful, and gracious to all who call on Him! Take some time to get alone with Him, even praying and reading through Psalm 86. In so doing, may you know His great help and comfort afresh!
Pleading and rejoicing with you,