God has made Christians for good works. Eph. 2:8-10 makes clear that while Christians are not saved by good works, we are saved for good works. The good works we’re called to walk in spring from the immeasurable riches of God’s justifying grace that is ours through faith in Christ.
One of the characteristics of these good works, which we saw in Titus 3:8-15 this last Lord’s Day, is that they encompass a devoted lifestyle, not simply isolated deeds here and there. Every part of our lives – relationships, responsibilities, circumstances, time, money, work/career, school, hobbies, etc. – should be seen in the context of the good works God has given us to do. And the nature of these good works, growing from faith in God’s good work in Christ, is found in loving others. Zealously and generously seeking the good of others for their joy, and Christ’s glory.
Jonathan Edwards put it this way: “There is another that has made you, and provides for you, and on whom you are dependent: and He has made you for himself, and for the good of your fellow-creatures, and not only for yourself. He has placed before you higher and nobler ends than self, even the welfare of your fellow-men, and of society, and the interests of his kingdom; and for these you ought to labour and live, not only in time, but for eternity.” (Charity and Its Fruits [1852; Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 2005], 181)
Practically, beloved, this means that the seemingly mundane, ordinary, common moments of our lives are actually vested with great, eternal significance. Each moment becomes an opportunity to express faith by doing good, in word and deed, to those around us. So whether it is in the home, on the job, at the store, in the neighborhood, during school, etc., may the Lord help us to continually “…devote ourselves to good works.” (Titus 3:8)
Because He lives, and is returning,