The Goodness of God



Do you believe this?  Deep in your soul, are you so convinced and overwhelmed by the goodness of God that you are quick to “…give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever”?  (Ps. 106:1)


Where do you look to discover the goodness of God in your life?  All to often, we only look at our immediate circumstances.  And frankly, we then evaluate God’s goodness according to our experience.    “Are things pleasant for me right now, and going the way I’d like them to?  If so, well then, God sure is good!  But if not, well, so much for God being good!  Even if He really is, He’s not being very good to me!”  Ever identify with this wrong way of thinking?  I sadly do sometimes.  When we have such unbelieving thoughts, we become all the more vulnerable to the false and deceptive “goodness” of sin.  Oh, beware!!


Beloved, knowing and rejoicing in the goodness of God is a matter of faith in who He has revealed Himself to be.  In and through His Word, He has revealed Himself to be eternally, infinitely, perfectly GOOD.  His goodness is displayed in His works of creation, providence, and most fully in His redemption through Jesus Christ.  “But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared…” (Titus 3:4)


Stop looking at your circumstances to try and discern God’s goodness!  Look instead by faith to the One in whom He has displayed His goodness and love for all eternity!  Then “…give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever”!


Learning to look at Christ alone with you,
