Concluding 1 Peter

This coming Lord’s Day morning, I’m planning to finish out our focused study through First Peter.  What a glorious portion of God’s word, revealing the breathtaking excellencies of our Savior and Shepherd Jesus Christ!  How timely and relevant for us as God’s people, whom He’s called to live as aliens and strangers in this sinful world.  Within the various fiery trials He lovingly ordains, learning to walk together in humble submission to His sovereign will and care, standing firm by faith in the eternal hope of His grace.


I pray the truths God has been pleased to plant in us from First Peter would take deep root in our souls.  I pray we would hunger more for Christ like newborn babies, tasting more of God’s kindness, and turning away from all the deceptive fleshly lusts and worldly enticements that would dull and choke our appetite for Him.  I pray we would know more of “joy inexpressible” in the riches of Christ’s salvation, and that our living hope in Him would overflow in zeal to proclaim His excellencies.  I pray we’d be all the more clothed with humility toward one another, as we humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand.  And I pray, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, that we would be strengthened, comforted, and emboldened in God’s eternal grace, resolved to suffer as He wills in the pathway of obedience to Him.


Perhaps between now and Sunday, you might carve out some undistracted time to read First Peter in its entirety, thinking and praying about these truths.  You might also find encouragement from the song Jesus I My Cross Have Taken, which expresses Christ-delighting resolve to follow Him in suffering (see the lyrics here).

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.  Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.  (1 Pet. 2:9-10)


Amen!  I can’t wait to be with you this Lord’s Day!
